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SCELC Annual Library Budget Survey: FY2021 Full Results

Demographic Info

See Design & Demographics for other results

fte change pie chart


  • 80% of institutions declining or flat FTEs

Pending Cancellations?

These cancellation estimates were used to forcast the impact of FY2021 cancellations in comparison to past years (see slide 23, above). 


Questions? Comments?

Download a PDF of the Full Report

Please send questions or comments to:

Jason Price, PhD / Research & Scholarly Communication Director / / 310-728-6798

Budget Info

See Key Findings for an executive summary of results

  • 30-50% of budgets were cut depending on type
  • ~80% of libraries budgets declined or were flat regardless of type


Overall change table

  • In the aggregate, member material budgets declined by more than 5%


Table of Average and Median Budget by FTE tier

  • SCELC sometimes uses average an median budget figures like these to negotiate eresource pricing ranges
  • Budgets vary by a factor of 10 between tiers 2 and 5, and a factor of 40 plus between tiers 1 and 7
  • These numbers would be more robust if we were to include affiliates in the next survey (especially on the larger side)


Addition plans?

  • E-books and E-textbooks were in relatively high demand, as was streaming video. 

Budget Info

  • These total library budget change figures (sorted within FTE bands) provide context for each libraries individual experience
  • They also reveal that 8 of the 14 budget increases were within the 501-1200 fte band, and the average declines were much larger than the average increases

Download a PDF of the Full Report

Please send questions or comments to: Jason Price, PhD / Research & Scholarly Communication Director / / 310-728-6798

Thanks to the SCELC Member library directors who responded with alacrity at a very busy time of the year. This project benefited greatly from feedback from SCELC management and staff, particularly when it came to developing clear questions with actionable answers. Jason Price built and administered the survey, created the graphs and tables, and wrote this report.

Creative Commons License
SCELC Library Budget & Cancellation Survey Fall 2020 by Jason S. Price is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.