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SCELC Emerald 2025-27 Read & Publish Open Access Agreement


SCELC has negotiated a 2025-2027 Read & Publish transformative agreement with Emerald Publishing that is cost-neutral and builds upon existing subscriptions. This agreement provides standard institutional access and post-cancellation rights while adding support for open access publishing.

The agreement covers open access article processing charges (APCs) for corresponding authors from eligible participating institutions across approximately 310 hybrid journals, with coverage capped at 115% of SCELC participants' historical publication rate. It also provides a 5% APC discount for Emerald's ~10 fully open access journals. This is the first Emerald consortial read and publish agreement in the Western Hemisphere.

Across SCELC's 19 participating institutions, the agreement is projected to cover the open publication of 18 articles annually, resulting in an estimated APC cost avoidance of ~$75,000 per year.