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SCELC Elsevier 2024-27 Read & Publish Open Access Agreement


SCELC has negotiated a ~cost-neutral 2024-2027 Read & Publish transformative agreement (defined) which leverages existing subscriptions that provide standard institutional access and partial post cancellation rights to add support for open access publishing.  It covers unlimited participating institutions’ corresponding author article publication charges (APCs) for ~1630 core 'Freedom Collection' and 170 Specialty hybrid journals and capped APCs for ~685 core fully OA journals. It does not include open publishing in Cell Press or Lancet titles.

The agreement is expected to cover open publication of 400+ articles per year for an estimated annual APC avoidance of ~$1.3M+ across 37+ participating institutions regardless of their ScienceDirect access (be it 'College Editions', Subject Collections, 'Unique Title List', 'Freedom Collection', or Subscribed titles only).